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“Matsusaka Night Museum One Night in Matsusaka “ will be held in Matsusaka City, Mie Prefecture.
Projection mapping onto the stone wall of the Matsusaka Castle ruins, the symbol of Matsusaka City, recreates the Edo period landscape when Matsusaka merchants were active in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, which has deep ties to Matsusaka.
This is the first time in Matsusaka City that the purpose of the event is to hold a special evening public viewing of the Matsuzaka Castle Ruins, Norinaga Motoori Memorial Hall, Norinaga Motoori Former Residence (Suzuya), former Hasegawa Jirobei House, and Jiro Harada Former Residence. Please enjoy “Night Museum”
旧長谷川治郎兵衛家、原田二郎旧宅、松坂城跡、鈴屋、本居宣長記念館、松阪市立歴史民俗資料館(2 階 小津安二郎松阪記念館)
モジプール(音楽ライブ)、三重高校ダンス部SERIOUS FLAVOR(ダンスパフォーマンス)、平岡孝紀
<協力> 松阪市、松阪歴史文化舎、鈴屋遺蹟保存会、松阪市観光協会、株式会社みどり警備保障、有限会社アクティブ、有限会社昭光堂、レントオール松阪、合同会社村田屋、合同会社World’s Edge、おいせ写真館、株式会社阪急交通社、株式会社近畿日本鉄道、株式会社ファーストディレクション、カナエリア、松阪商工会議所、一般社団法人松阪肉肉肉協会、松阪商店街連合会(敬称略・順不同)